Tip #3: Make Them Insiders

Social media is one of the best ways of giving your  customers the “insider” experience.  There are lot’s of different tactics that you can use.  But they all must do one thing well – make your customer feel that they are in a privileged position.  They should feel that they are getting something special that they can only get because of their involvement with you and your social media.  The most common tactics are:

  • Share the Process – by sharing the process, your customers feel like they are getting to experience the actual making of your product.  Think of them as apprentices.  Not only are they seeing your product created, they will understand and appreciate all the work which better enables them to accept and pay for the financial value you assign to it.
  • Give a Tip – why do we love getting tips about anything and everything?  Tips are like free advice.  They are bits of information from an expert and when given freely, people feel grateful.  The value of the information is just as valuable as the act of giving.
  • Express an Opinion – because opinions are subjective, they help to shape a personal voice for your marketing.  Many people are often cautious about how freely they share their opinions.  The closer the friendship, the more honest the opinion.  By sharing an opinion people will feel more connected.  Additionally, a strong opinion can jump start a valuable dialogue
  • Ask a Question – more than wanting to hear an opinion, people want to share their opinions.  So ask for it.  Even better, respond to their answers.  And the coup-de-grace – Use their feedback directly in your business.
  • Let them Share It – the most effective viral marketing is still word of mouth.  Social media tools enable a faster, more explicit sharing than word of mouth referrals.  Social media puts the tools in the hands of your customers.  This of course cuts both ways – bad news spreads just as quickly as good news.  But the medium is the real message.  You are allowing your customers to do the talking.  By incorporating their authentic interest and voice, the authenticity of your brand’s message is strengthened

Lastly, it is important that some of these messages should only be available via your social media channels.  If they appear in all of your other marketing channels, you will lose the insider value of your social media channel.

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